Time for ‘Turkeys from Heaven’

Published 9:31 pm Friday, December 10, 2021

About this time every year, Turkeys from Heaven come to Pike County and the surrounding areas and they are truly heaven sent.

On Wednesday, December 22, more than 400 turkey dinners will be delivered to those who will benefit from a Christmas meal.

“Turkeys from Heaven” was initiated eight years ago by Kelly Sanders, who was inspired by a similar assistance program in Dothan.  Sanders realized the benefit of such an initiative here at home.

“Turkeys from Heaven” is a community-wide effort to make sure that those who are experiencing difficult times and those who live alone have a turkey dinner at Christmastime,” Sanders said.

“The names for the delivery meals come from Hospice, Home Health, DHR and other local agencies including schools, churches and individuals who recognized a need.

Those who know of someone or a family that should be included are encouraged to call Sanders at 372-4576, Janet Rawls at 372-0559 or Taylor Jinright at 268-1051 or email TroyTFH@gmail.com.

The community-wide support of Turkeys from Heaven has been amazing. Without it, Turkeys from Heaven” would not be entering its eighth year here in Pike County, Sanders said.

Those who are interested in being a part of Turkeys from Heaven 2021 may donate turkeys or make a monetary donation to the Christmas din-ners.

The “Turkeys from Heaven” Christmas dinners include a turkey, a green bean casserole, bread and dessert.

Donating a turkey is simple. The turkeys may be purchased at the Piggly Wiggly stores in Troy, on Highway 231 south and North Three Notch Street. The cost of the turkeys remains at $15.

To purchase a turkey, just ask at the checkout and the barcode will be scanned for the turkeys and they will remain at the Piggly Wiggly stores to be delivered for cooking on December 22.

Sanders said those who would like to assist with the casseroles, breads and desserts may also make a monetary donation.

“It is more cost efficient to purchase the ingredients in bulk rather than in-dividually,” she said. “Rather than put the casseroles together on site, the ingredients will be included in the Christmas boxes to eliminate the hand-ing of food.”

“For those who would like to work on site on December 22, we will begin preparing for the deliveries at 8 a.m. and the deliveries will follow once the turkeys are fully cooked. You can visit our Facebook page (Tur-keys from Heaven-Troy) and fill out the volunteer form by clinking the signup tab highlighted in blue.”

Those who like to assist in cooking the turkeys or running a grill, contact Charles Rawls at Treecop62@email.com or call 334-372-1907.

“We need to know who will help and when so we will have everything in order for the 22nd, Sanders said. “This is a great way to get into the Christmas spirit. We invite individuals, friends and families to be a part of this time of caring and sharing. It will be a wonderful day to be the hands and feet of Jesus.”