Brundidge seeks RTP funding for rec trail
Published 9:28 pm Wednesday, September 8, 2021
The Brundidge City Council voted at its Tuesday meeting to make application to the Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs Recreational Trail Program (RTP) for assistance to improve and expand the recreational trail and support facilities at Ramage Park on South Main Street.
Brundidge Mayor Isabell Boyd was authorized to execute and submit an application with assurances to the State of Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs (ADECA) requesting Fiscal Year 2021 RTP funds in the amount of $200,000.
Boyd said, in making the request, the City of Brundidge commits to provide cash and in-kind resources to complete the project in the amount of $144,795 for the local share of the project.
“This RTP grant would make it possible for the city to enhance the recreational facilities at Ramage Park and provide additional recreational opportunities for citizens of all ages,” Boyd said.
City Manager Willie Wright said the RTP funds would be used to construct a five-foot wide asphalt trail that would access the existing walking trail, which would be resurfaced. The grant funds would also be used to purchase picnic tables, a gazebo, trail benches, a water fountain and make drainage improvements within the park.
Wright said the improvements and additions at Ramage Park will provide additional recreational opportunities within the city for people of all ages.
“Mayor Boyd would also like to include playground equipment for the younger kids,” Wright said. “The expansion of Ramage Park will be of great benefit to Brundidge citizens now and for years to come.”
Prior to the council’s Tuesday meeting, a public hearing was held for the assessment of property according to the city’s Weed Control Ordinance that included 371 East End Circle, property owners, Henrietta Jones and Phyllis White; 406 Mike Street, property owner, Carol Draper; and 414 Mike Street, property owners, Annie L. Austin and Terry Sims.
According to the City of Brundidge Code Enforcement, the weeds on the properties were declared a public nuisance and the property owners had been notified but did not respond. No action had been taken to have the weeds removed so the city removed the “nuisances” in accordance with the city requirements.
At the council meeting following the public hearing, the council voted to have the city manager take the necessary action to have the property owners assessed and collected to recoup the cost of removing the nuisances. The expenses incurred to clean the property will be assessed against the property owners and the premises.
The Brundidge City Council meets at 6 p.m. the first and third Tuesdays of the month at Brundidge City Hall on North Main Street. The meetings are open to the public.