JCA to host artist reception Thursday night

Published 6:44 pm Wednesday, August 11, 2021

The Johnson Center for the Arts will host an artists’ reception for the exhibiting artists in the combined “Creative Spirit” exhibition, Harold Adcock, Lynnette Hesser, Steve Loucks and Jim Campbell, from 6 until 7:30 p.m. tonight. The public is invited to come and meet the artists while enjoying their amazing artwork, said Brenda Campbell, JCA director.

Loucks and Hesser are from Wellington; Adcock is from Madison, Mississippi; and Campbell is a Troy native and resident.

“This will be a very informal reception,” Campbell said. “Light refreshments will be served and the artists will enjoy mingling and sharing with our guests but we will not have formal art talks. We invite everyone to take advantage of this opportunity to view ‘Creative Spirit’ and to learn more about the artists and their work in an up-close and personal way.”

Campbell said each artist brings a different dimension to the exhibition and together they comprise one of the JCA’s most magnificent exhibitions to date.

“This exhibition is incredible and those who enjoy and appreciate outstanding art will not want to miss it,” she said.

Campbell said Loucks’ pottery is elegantly or whimsically designed.

“Steve embellishes his pottery with various surface treatments, adornments or appendages,” she said. “His pottery keeps you coming back again and again.”

Hesser is a ceramic artist. She takes many of her designs from floral and geometric images and patterns.

“Lynnette creates flowers and floral scenes by carving into the surface of the piece with 3-D embellishments,” Campbell said.

Adcock is a self-taught artist who is known widely for his landscapes and still life depictions.

“Harold is known and appreciated for his graphic work and for his portraits that feature bold and bright colors,” Campbell said.

Local portrait artist and illustrator Jim Campbell’s work has been featured on book covers and in magazines including “Time,” “Ladies Home Journal” and “Readers’ Digest.

“Jim is an amazing illustrator and an outstanding portrait artist,” Brenda Campbell said. “His work is well-known and greatly appreciated here at home.”

The Johnson Center is open from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Admission is free.