Brundidge Library in forgiving mood

Published 10:22 pm Thursday, August 5, 2021

Forgiveness is a blessing and the Tupper Lightfoot Memorial Library in Brundidge is willing to forgive overdue book fines throughout the month of August.

“Bring in your overdue materials and your fines will be waived,” said Theresa Trawick, library director. “Hopefully, the response will be good and overdue books will soon be back on the shelves for others to read and enjoy.”

Trawick said fees for lost and damaged books and materials will still apply.

“Our Silent Book Club, a Hybrid Program, is set for 6 p.m. August 16, at the library or online,” Trawick said. “A meeting of “Nerds of a Feather,” a library DND Campaign is set for August 12 and 26. The time is 6 p.m.”

Trawick said “Tupper” will be an even busier place, beginning in September, when educational programming begins.

Teen Time begins at 4 p.m. September 6; Pre-School Story Time begins at 10 a.m. Tuesday, September 7; and Homeschool begins at 10 a.m. September 9. Tutoring also begins in September with times to be announced.

“We want to thank all those who contributed to the library’s local history and genealogy de-partment during June and July, Brundidge History Months,” Trawick said. “Even if you missed out during these months, it is never too late to share your Brundidge history. Please, contact the library if you have photos, letters and other documents to donate.”

Trawick said the purpose of the Local History and Genealogy Collection is to preserve materials that document the growth and development of Brundidge and its people.

“Items are kept in a climate-controlled environment in archival-quality storage. The intent is to make these items available to researches, families and the general public, now and in the future.”