Dee Allen named Pike County’s Distinguished Young Woman
Published 6:39 pm Monday, July 26, 2021
- Jaine Treadwell | The Messenger Addi Garrott, the 2021 Pike County Distinguished Young Woman of the Year, center, presents the 2022 Pike County Distinguished Young Woman of the Year Award to Dee Allen, right, while Distinguished Young Woman participant Sarah Davis, left looks on.
Dee Allen, a senior at Pike Liberal Arts, was named Pike County Distinguished Young Woman 2022 Sunday afternoon at the DYW program at the Troy Center Theater on the campus of Troy University.
Dee is an honor student at PLAS and is involved in a variety of extracurricular activities.
She is a member of the National Honor Society and attended the Capstone Leadership Academy at the University of Alabama and Alabama Girls State.
At PLAS, Dee is SGA treasurer and a member of the Excel and Interact clubs. She is a PLAS cheerleader and a UCA All-American Cheerleader. She is a member of First Baptist Church youth and choir.
Dee also won the talent portion of the DYW program with a jazz/acro/character dance to “Singing in the Rain.”
She plans to attend the University of Alabama and pursue a career in interior design.
First runner up in the 2022 Pike County DYW Program was Abbi-Kay Terry, a senior at Pike Liberal Arts School where she is the Excel Club president and a member of the Spanish, Government and Interact clubs. Abbi is a member of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, SheBANG Dance Company and a PLAS cheer-leader. Her career plans are to pursue a degree in speech pathology at Auburn University.
Cathy Stockstill, a senior at Pike Liberal Arts School, was second runner up. Cathy is Pike Liberal Arts School SGA president and also president of the Interact Club. She is the PLAS Yearbook editor and a Pike County Chamber of Commerce Junior and Senior Ambassador. Cathy’s career path is as a primary care physician. She plans to attend the University of Alabama.
Special awards were presented for Interview, Talent, Self-Expression, Fitness and Scholarship.
Dee Allen was the talent winner and Cathy Stockstill received the Interview and Scholastic awards.
Abbi-Kay Terry won the awards for Self-Expression and Fitness.
Lauren Chance, a senior at Goshen High School received the award for Best Essay.
Lauren’s essay encouraged young women to set goals and then reach for them, to be responsible and to live moral lives. Lauren is a member of the National FFA, the Goshen FFA secretary and a member of the Goshen Agriculture Academy. She is also a member of the Future Business Leaders of America and a majorette in the GHS band.
She plans to attend L.B.W. Community College and pursue as career as an ultra-sound technician.
Addi Garrott, 2021 Pike County Distinguished Young Woman of the Year, congratulated all Pike County DYW program participants and encouraged them to strive to be their best along whatever paths in life they choose.
She expressed appreciation for the opportunity to represent Pike County as its DYW 2021 and for the lessons learned along the way.
Addi acknowledged the sponsors who made the incredible DYW journey possible for her and for those who came before her and for Dee and all those yet to follow. She had special thanks for the DYW of Pike County Board Members: Michelle Armstrong, Tracy Huner, Shondra Whitaker, Kim Head, Ivey Jones and Amy Burkett.