Conservation District holds annual meeting

Published 8:55 pm Friday, July 16, 2021

The Area V Alabama Association of Conservation District’s Annual Meeting was held Thursday morning at the Pike County Cattlemen’s Complex on Highway 231 South of Troy.

Area V is comprised of 10 districts working together to protect and conserve the area’s natural resources.

Troy Mayor Jason A. Reeves welcomed the gathering to the association’s annual meeting and to Troy.

Reeves said he has been actively involved in politics for more than 25 years so he understands the important role the Southeast Alabama Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts plays in the district, which includes Troy and Pike County.”

Reeves expressed appreciation to the Southeast Alabama Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts for their invaluable contributions to the growth and development of the area.

The keynote speaker for the meeting was Alabama State Representative Wes Allen.

Allen brought good news to the gathering in that the state budget is in “great shape” and the economy is going well.

The economic environment for jobs and workforce development is up, so our state economy is doing well,” Allen said. He added that the state’s general fund and the Education Trust Fund are doing well and that, too, is good news.

Allen said the Alabama Legislature puts a lot of time and thought into how the state’s dollars are used so that the monies go where they can do the most good for all Alabamians.

Allen said he could not underestimate the importance of providing Broad Band access to those living in areas that do not yet have that service. Allen said educational benefits are paramount.

Allen made sure the district’s peanut farmers are aware that, in the last Legislative session, he did not vote for the sweet potato as the state’s official vegetable. Allen said he was not voting against the sweet potato, rather taking care of the peanut.

“Because the peanut has a seed, it could be considered a fruit as well as a nut,” he said.

Allen encouraged getting the COVID-19 vaccine and also the importance of taking advantage of one-person visits to those in nursing home facilities.

A highlight of the district meeting was the presentation of Area V awards.  Awards including the Conservation Essay and Poster Contests, District Awards and Special Recognition for Years of Service.

Elizabeth Motes of Troy was recognized for 25 years of service to the Southeast Alabama Association of Soil and Water Conservation District.

Motes expressed appreciation for the opportunity to have served the SWCD in a supervisor’s role and said she will continue to be involved in a supportive role.

Pike County youths Taylor Burkett, who won the 2020 Poster Contest for grades K-1 and Cody Michael Cross, who won the Poster Contest for grades 7 through 9.

The Pike County SWCD Board of Supervisors expressed appreciation to all those in attendance and appreciation for the opportunity to host the meeting for the Southeast Area Association.