Georgia Military College and Troy University sign articulation agreement

Published 7:11 pm Thursday, June 10, 2021

Georgia Military College and Troy University, in the spirit of academic cooperation, signed an articulation agreement to facilitate the transfer of graduates of GMC to Troy University.

At Georgia Military College, one of the core missions is to provide pathways for the successful transfer of its degree programs and coursework into a four-year institution. In alignment with this mission, this agreement with Troy University expands educational opportunities for GMC graduates wanting to pursue a bachelor-level degree.

“We welcome the chance for Georgia Military College graduates to seamlessly complete their undergraduate degrees at Troy,” said Dr. Lance Tatum, Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs. “TROY can become a second home for GMC students.”

This agreement formally recognizes that Georgia Military College and Troy University are committed to the establishment of an educational partnership to better serve currently enrolled and future students at both institutions, as well as support economic development in the communities served by these educational institutions. Under the terms of the agreement, GMC students who have earned an associate degree will qualify for unconditional admission with a 2.0 grade point average on a minimum of 24 semester hours of college work attempted.

“At GMC, our motto is ‘Start Here … Go Anywhere’ and this partnership ensures that our students can do just that and complete their bachelor’s degree at Troy University,” said Lieutenant General (Ret) William B. Caldwell, IV, President of Georgia Military College. “We’re thrilled to partner with Troy University in this way, to continue contributing to student success.”

This agreement this opportunity provides is available to any GMC student that meets the qualifications of Troy University.