Brundidge approves rezoning

Published 6:04 pm Wednesday, May 5, 2021

The Brundidge City Council held a public hearing regarding the rezoning of property prior to its regular Tuesday meeting.

Brundidge Mayor Isabell Boyd said the rezoning request was for property located at 901 Galloway Road from R-2 Medium Density Residential to MHR Mobile Home Residential.

No one attended the meeting to speak in opposition to or support of the rezoning request.

At the council’s regular meeting, the council accepted the Planning Commission’s recommendation that the rezoning request be approved.

The property owner Sharon Flowers expressed appreciation to the council and said the request approval would make it possible for a “homecoming” for her.

The re-zoning request was the only agenda item but several city officials spoke from the floor.

Mayor Boyd reported that she attended the ground breaking for the judicial complex in Troy.

Boyd said judicial complex will include buildings for the county’s court system, an administration building for the sheriff’s office and the correctional facility.

“This will be an outstanding facility and is greatly needed,” Boyd said.

The mayor also announced that the COVID-19 vaccine will be available for ages 16 and over from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. on Saturday, May 22 at OCAP in Troy.

Brundidge City Manager Willie Wright said the city street department has been shorthanded due to illness but the city workers have done an outstanding job of keeping the city streets clean.

“The departments are working together to make sure that everything is being taken care of,” Wright said.

The city’s CDBG water replacement grant is closing out and the demolition grant is soon to get underway with the demolition of dilapidated structures throughout the city.

The opening of the city parks was a topic of discussion with concern expressed on how to open the parks and keep them safe for all.

Wright said it is imperative that when the parks are opened that “we do it right.”

Brundidge Police Chief Marquez James reported on the recent homicide in the city. He said the response was “textbook” and involved the Troy Police Department, the Pike County Sheriff’s Department and other agencies and citizens.

He also reported on a shooting on McGuire Street that involved a juvenile and that a potential suspect has been identified in the break-in at Pike Drugs and other area pharmacies.

James also reported that 76 traffic stops were made in the prior month with 19 citations written. Every stop does not warrant a citation but warnings that should have an impact.

“We have positions available at the Brundidge Police Department for a police officer and a criminal/homicide investigator and hope to have those filled soon,” James said.

The City of Brundidge will host a prayer service at Brundidge City Hall noon Thursday (today), the National Day of Prayer.

The Brundidge City Council meets at 6 p.m. on the first and third Tuesdays of the month at Brundidge City Hall. The meetings are open to the public.