Pike Regional CAC hosts proclamation ceremony

Published 9:48 pm Tuesday, April 27, 2021

The Pike Regional Child Advocacy Center in Troy hosted a proclamation ceremony on Friday in recognition and celebration of National Child Abuse Prevention Month.

Kaley Green, Pike Regional CAC executive director, welcomed the gathering that included CAC board members, Kappa Delta Sorority and advocates for children in abusive situations.

“The last year has been challenging for the Pike Regional Child Advocacy Center as we have worked diligently to serve the most vulnerable children and their families,” Green said. “We could not have been successful in providing the much-needed services without the support of our staff, our board members, the Troy City Council, the Pike County Commission, the Pike County District Attorney’s Office, local law enforcement, the medical community and Kappa Delta Sorority at Troy University.”

Green expressed heartfelt appreciation and gratitude to them all on behalf of the children and families they serve.

Robin Sullivan, president of the Pike County Commission, expressed appreciation to Kelly and the CAC staff for the many services they provide for children in abusive situations and the families involved. He presented a proclamation declaring the month of April Child Abuse Prevention Month in the cities of Troy and Brundidge and all Pike County.

Assistant District Attorney Jon Folmar, with the Pike County District Attorney’s Office, acknowledged contributions the late Scherryl Harrison, a founding board member, made to the Pike Regional CAC.

Harrison was an advocate for abused children back in the 1980s before there was a CAC. She had thoughts of the need for a center for abused and neglected children and was vital in bringing it to reality in Troy.

Harrison’s life work was prosecuting injustices in all matters that pertained to the abuse of children, Folmar said

Temeka Teague presented a special reading, “Children Learn What They Live” in remembrance of Harrison.

Members of Kappa Delta Sorority made a check presentation to the Pike Regional CAC in the amount of $57,788.99.

Green expressed appreciation to the sorority for the very generous donation and for the sorority’s longtime support.

Green said 80 percent of the money raised by the sorority is donated to the Pike Regional CAC and the remaining 20 percent goes to the Kappa Delta Foundation to support of Prevent Child Abuse America’s national office for its national programs.

“At Pike Regional CAC, we can never say ‘thank you’ enough for what these young women do to raise awareness about child abuse and to support the services here at our center,” Green said.