TCS employees to be vaccinated

Published 8:59 pm Friday, February 5, 2021

Students in the Troy City School System will return to class on Monday after about three weeks of virtual learning.

Because of a sharp increase in coronavirus cases in Pike County, Troy City Schools shifted to virtual learning on Jan, 19. Now that the country has dropped back to a low-risk status, school administrators have elected to return to in-person learning on Monday, Feb, 8. 

Troy City Schools Superintendent Cynthia Thomas said the school system was following all guidelines to protect students from exposure to coronavirus. She said the school system had also worked hard to make sure all teachers and staff would receive vaccinations as soon as possible.

“As of this week, through the collaborative efforts of Nurse Melissa Scarbrough and Dr. Elizabeth Dawson, we have coordinated with the Charles Henderson Child Health Center to provide COVID-19 vaccines to all Troy City Schools teachers and staff,” Troy City Schools Superintendent Cynthia Thomas said. “Our faculty and staff will be vaccinated starting Feb 8-10. I am so thankful that we are able to offer this opportunity to our faculty and staff.”

Thomas said when students return on Monday, the school system will continue to engage in the recommended Centers for Disease Control and Alabama Department of Public Health practices including wearing masks, checking student and staff temperatures, and practicing social distancing.