County, city schools to reopen Feb. 8
Published 7:57 pm Tuesday, February 2, 2021
Students will return to Troy City Schools and Pike County Schools on Feb. 8.
Troy administrators made the decision to shift to virtual instruction on Wednesday, Jan. 20, because of the number of students in quarantine as a result of the rise in COVID-19 cases in Pike County.
Troy City Schools Superintendent Cynthia Thomas said in-person learning would resume Monday, Feb. 8. Thomas said the administration and staff would continue safe practices on all Troy City Schools campuses. She said face masks and social distancing are required and anyone entering buildings must pass a temperature check. She said he school system also supports increased hand washing and sanitation efforts.
Thomas said any parents with second semester class placements or course schedule for their children should contact the student’s principal for more information.
Pike County Schools Superintendent Mark Bazzell said schools will reopen for traditional students on Feb. 8 as well. He said buses will run the same schedule they did prior to the shift to all virtual classes. Child Nutrition Services at local schools will resume and school activities may resume for now, but activity sponsors must ensure that all local and state guidance are followed, Bazzell said.
“As we return, health screenings will resume for students and employees as they arrive each morning,” Bazzell said. “Please do not send students to school who have any of the COVID symptoms or who are in quarantine for any reason.”
Students who have been receiving virtual instruction will continue their instruction as scheduled, he said.
The shift back to part traditional and part virtual is due to declining COVID case numbers in schools, Bazzell said. The state risk status for Pike County has also moved from high risk to low risk, Bazzell said.
“In an effort to keep schools open and everyone safe; we ask that students, parents, employees and the Pike County community practice the Center for Disease Control social distancing guidelines,” Bazzell said.