Sororities host baby shower

Published 10:23 pm Thursday, January 14, 2021

Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated, Gamma Alpha Xi Zeta Chapter, is hosting a Drive- Thru Baby Shower for Sav-A-Life of Troy on Saturday, January 16. Sabrina Thomas, sorority president, said the Drive-Thru Baby Shower will be from 10 a.m. until 1 p.m. in the First Baptist Church parking lot off North Three Notch Street.

“Sav-A-Life gives education classes and support for women, children and fathers before, during and after pregnancy,” Thomas said. “All services of Sav-A-Life are free and confidential.”

The items that are needed and will be greatly appreciated include diapers, sizes newborn and one through four; baby wash clothes, baby towels, bottle, blankets – receivers and covers; equipment for nursing moms including pumps, bottles and warmers and, also, socks, booties and shoes for infants and up; outfits and clothing for boys and girls, newborn to 4-toddler and infant toiletries including shampoo, lotion, soap, bath oil and comb and brush sets.  Thomas said Sav-A-Life provides free supplies and parenting education to anyone in Pike County and all donations will be greatly appreciated.