Troy council takes office

Published 6:08 pm Monday, November 2, 2020

The Troy mayor and city council members officially took office on Monday.

Mayor Jason Reeves and council members Sharon McSwain-Holland, District 1; Greg Meeks, District 2; Stephanie Baker, District 4; and Wanda Moultry, District 5 all were sworn in by Municipal Judge Matt Baker on the steps of City Hall.

Marcus Paramore, District 3, was sworn in earlier in the day and joined the council’s organizational meeting via a video-link as he was in quarantine.

“Obviously … we’re in an unusual time,” Reeves said at the beginning of the meeting. This will not be a normal organizational session.”

The council members voted to elected Paramore president of the council and Meeks president pro-tem. Members also re-appointed Troy Fire Chief Michael Stephens, Troy Police Chief Randall Barr and Troy City Clerk Shannon Bryan on an interim basis through Dec. 31, 2020. “We will finalize those appointments when the council can all be together,” Reeves said.

Reeves also was reappointed utilities commissioner.

In his comments to the council, Reeves noted that for the first time in history, the majority of the council members are women. “That’s something we need to note,” he said. “This is a historical moment.”

Reeves begins his third term as mayor and seventh term serving the city as an elected official.

“Troy is growing and thriving,” he said. “That wouldn’t be possible if it weren’t for the citizens and the management team we have in place.”

In addition to praises the efforts of city employees and the dedication of council members, Reeves took time to acknowledge the challenges the community faces. “We live in a divided world right now,” he said. “And we know we need to work together. Troy and Pike County are one of the few places our size that are growing, and that’s because we work together and we use the resources that we have available.”

McSwain-Holland begins her first term on the council. “I just want to say thank you to God for giving me the opportunity and the mindset and the fortitude to persevere,” she said.  Reeves welcomed her to the council, saying “from the job that you did in your campaign, your heart of service I believe you have, and the experience you have from your career, I believe you are going to do this city and District 1 proud.”

Meeks thanks the constituents of District 2 for re-electing him  to a third time. “I appreciate them giving me an opportunity to give back the city that has given so much to me over the years,” he said.

Baker thanked the voters in District 4, as well, “for your confidence in sending me back to City Hall.”

“For me, this is an act of service, it’s something I feel called to do,” Baker said.

Moultry, who has served 24 years on the council, said she is grateful to the voters in her district who continue to show support. “We’re going to continue to do great things because God has put us here,” she said. “He commands us to love our neighbor and that means we serve.”

Paramore, who also thanked the voters in District 3 for re-electing him, reinforced his confidence in the council members. “We have a good team who will continue to move the city forward,” he said.

The next regularly scheduled council meeting will be Nov. 10.