Brundidge to swear in new council Monday
Published 5:31 pm Wednesday, October 28, 2020
An organizational meeting of the Brundidge City Council will be at 1 p.m. Monday at the Knox Ryals Pavilion on the grounds of the historic Bass House in downtown Brundidge.
The meeting will begin with the Posting of Colors by the Pike County High School JROTC, the Pledge of Allegiance. and the National Anthem by Shelia Jackson.
The welcome will be given by Pastor Martha Griffin, Brundidge Business Association and the Invocation by the Rev. Nathaniel Larkin.
The Oath of Office will be administered by Pike County Probate Judge Michael Bunn to Mayor Isabell Boyd and council members Douglas Holland, District 1; Latisher Hall, District 2; Margaret Ross, District 3; Byron Gaynor, District 4; and Marilyn Rodgers, District 5.
Following the administration of the Oath of Office, an organizational meeting will be held at the pavilion.
Linda Faust, city clerk, said the meeting agenda will include resolutions for the council’s rules of procedure, the appointment of council committees and ratifying the depositories and payment of reoccurring expenses.
Resolutions will be made to appoint the Brundidge City Clerk and the Brundidge City Manager.
Appointments of the PowerSouth Trustee and the Southeast Alabama Gas District representative will also be made, along with the appointment of the council member to serve as Mayor Pro Tempore.
The Brundidge Police Chief will also be appointed.The Brundidge City Council will meet at 6 p.m. on Tuesday at Brundidge City Hall on North Main Street. The meetings are held on the first and third Tuesdays of the month.