Published 6:21 pm Monday, September 21, 2020
With the September 30 deadline for the 2020 Census looming ever closer, Sen. Jimmy Holley is encouraging his constituents in Senate District 31, which includes Pike County, to self-respond to their Census forms.
Holley said those who submit their 2020 Census are saying, in essence, “I count!”
Holley said each person who is counted in the 2020 Census counts for Alabama.
Many Alabamians benefit directly from federal programs whose funding is determined by the Census.
Each person counted means about $1,600 will enter Alabama for education, children, health care, infrastructure grants and other important programs, Holley said. For every 100 people who respond, that means $160,000 coming to Alabama rather than going to another state.
A failure to respond to the 2020 Census could also contribute to the possibility of Alabama losing at least one Congressional representative.
This means one less voice for Alabama in Washington, DC .and one more voice for another state.
Pike County is a county that is participating in the Census Bowl which is a competition to get more participation in the 2020 Census. Pike County has advance to the Elite 8 and has earned $20,000 for the county’s public schools.
So, a lot is depending on Pike County citizens taking a few minutes and being counted in the 2020 Census.
Holley encourages those in District 31 to be counted in the 2020Census.
All you have to do is complete your Census form. It takes less than 10 minutes and can be done from a computer, smartphone, tablet, or other electronic device or by 1-844-330-2020. Your response will be confidential and not shared with other government agencies. Please take a few minutes and fulfill your civic duty by participating in the 2020 Census. It is of the upmost importance, Holley said.
Complete the Census online at https://my2020census.gov/ or by calling 1-844-330-2020.