First Baptist invites schools to join in prayer walk

Published 8:57 pm Tuesday, August 18, 2020

First Baptist Church of Troy is inviting all schools in Pike County to participate in a Prayer Walk for Schools on their individual campuses at 5 p.m. Sunday.

Dr. Ross Lankford, pastor of FBC, said by Sunday most all schools in the county will have been back in session.

“The purpose of the Prayer Walk is to ask God’s blessing over our schools and for protection as we begin the school year during these trying and challenging times,” Lankford said. “The administrations of both the Pike County and Troy City schools are aware of and supportive of the Prayer Walk.”

A Prayer Walk captain from each school will lead the walk at their respective schools.  Parents, teachers, students and community members are encouraged to participate.

All participants are asked to wear masks and to practice social distancing throughout the Prayer Walk.

“Depending on the school captains, the Prayer Walk may be conducted in different ways,” Lankford said. “Some may lead the participants around the school as they pray while others may gather in one group or several smaller groups. Some participants may choose to sit in their cars and pray. Others might pray as they drive around the campus.

Lankford said the Prayer Walk is being held with the assurance that God hears His people when they pray on behalf of others. 

Lankford said prayer will bring God’s favor to school leaders as they embark on an unprecedented school year and will bind and strengthen the school communities throughout the county.

Ginny Hamm, a prayer captain, said along the Prayer Walk thanks will be given to God for each school and the doors through which the students enter.

“We will ask God to be evident as students walk through the doors of their schools,” Hamm said. “We will pray that a hedge of divine protection be placed around each school and a sense of security be felt by all who enter and that love, care and protection be felt by everyone.”

For more about the Prayer Walk at the schools at 5 p.m. on Sunday and a listing of the captains at each school, visit the First Baptist Church of Troy’s website at