Alabama sees smallest rise since June: State adds 516 new cases; Pike County adds two

Published 6:03 pm Monday, August 17, 2020

Alabama saw its smallest one-day increase in coronavirus cases since June on Monday, adding only 516 new cases.

The Alabama Department of Public Health 10 a.m. update shows a total of 104,595 cases in Alabama with 1,855 total deaths. More than 1,300 people are currently hospitalized and more than 41,520 are presumed recovered.

In Pike County, two new cases were added bringing the total to 725, with seven confirmed deaths. According to, the 14-day positive rate for Pike County dropped to 4 percent.

However, the ADPH categorizes the county as “high risk” for coronavirus spread.

More than 5.4 million cases have been confirmed nationally, with 170,155 deaths. Over the past week, the U.S. has averaged 51,523 cases per day, a 17 percent decrease from the average two weeks earlier, according to the New York Times coronavirus tracker.