Published 12:31 pm Monday, August 10, 2020


The Percy B. Gill Scholarship Award was established to recognize, honor, and reward students that strive to make technology at their school operate smoothly. Mr. Gill was a servant leader for his community and had a strong a strong belief that education is key. 525 Technologies Incorporated is proud to announce Jamesia Shipman as Troy’s 2020 recipient of the Percy B. Gill Memorial Scholarship. Jamesia is the daughter of Tamica Shipman and is a graduate of Charles Henderson High School Class of 2020. While attending Charles Henderson High School Jamesia achieved academic excellence which led to her induction to the National Honor Society and Senior Beta Club. Jamesia membership affiliations consist of LIFE Club and Spanish Club. Jamesia was a model athlete at Charles Henderson assisting with leading her team to victories in Volleyball, Soccer, and Track & Field. Jamesia will attend the University of Montevallo Fall of 2020 and major in Exercise Science and Nutrition and minor in Business Management. Jamesia has been awarded the Percy B. Gill Memorial Scholarship.,