Pike County Fair cancelled: ‘We really didn’t have a choice’

Published 5:53 pm Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Due to concerns about COVID-19, the Troy Shrine Club has decided to cancel the 2020 Pike County Fair scheduled for Sept. 29 – Oct. 3.

The decision was made by Neil Sneed, club president, and the board.

Sneed said it was a difficult decision and was not made without a great deal of thought and discussion. Plans are to be back at the Pike County Fairgrounds in 2021 with yet another outstanding county fair.

Kathy Sneed, who laughingly identifies herself at the “First Lady,” said canceling the 2020 Pike County Fair was not an easy thing to do for her husband or the board, however, it was the right decision and the necessary decision.

“There were a lot of issues surrounding the decision,” Sneed said. “Putting on a fair requires a lot of people doing a lot of things. Many of the people we depend on each year would not be able to help because of their concern about the coronavirus.”

Sneed said the fair contractor, Modern Midway, was agreeable to the cancellation. Other fairs have canceled for this year. In fact, the fair contractor has only been able to have a couple of fairs this year. “To have a fair with the coronavirus as a concern, every ride would have to be wiped down and sanitized after ever time it was run,” Sneed said. “So many precautions would have to be taken. We really didn’t have a choice about this year’s fair.”

As far as Sneed knows, 2020 is the only year that the Pike County Fair has been canceled.

There have been nights that were lost to rain and other weather conditions but the county fair has always gone on.

Sneed said the National Peanut Festival in Dothan is on hold for now and many other community events have been canceled all around the area.

“The Pike County Fair is a big part of our community and is a major fundraiser for the Troy Shrine Club,” Sneed said. “So, we will be looking for other fundraisers to support local projects including those with a special emphasis on children.”

Neil Sneed expressed appreciation for the longtime support of the Troy Shrine Club and the Pike County Fair.

“We ask for the continuing support of our club and the Pike County Fair,” he said. “We are looking forward to being back in 2021.”