Oak Park residents raise traffic concerns

Published 8:45 am Monday, July 6, 2020

If you want to bring attention to an issue, put it on social media.

That’s Dave Camwell’s philosophy behind his “Do Stop Signs Matter in Troy Alabama” Facebook page.

“I look at it as a light-hearted way to bring attention to the problem,” Camwell said last week.

The page, started in May, features clips from a video camera at Camwell’s house that records vehicles crossing through the three-way stop at intersection of John H. Witherington Drive, Overcup Drive and Oak Park Drive.

On June 9, Camwell and neighbors David and Angel Phelps spoke to the Troy City Council about their concerns. “I have hundreds of videos that show it is incredibly unsafe,” Camwell said. “The road is far too fast.”

Camwell, whose home sits on the corner of three-way stop, said he estimates two-thirds of the cars traveling the Oak Park-John H. Witherington connector road don’t stop at the stop signs, either “drive through them fast, slow down and check for cops or go through about 20 mph.”

Phelps said he has lived in the subdivision for five years, and while the number of cars passing through the intersection is not a problem, the speed and failure to stop at the signs are dangerous. Both he and Camwell asked the city to install speed bumps in the intersection.

“We feel like some type of speed bump/speed hump might slow traffic down or maybe deter some people from using the road,” he said.

Marcus Paramore, whose District 3 includes that subdivision, said the city is taking proactive steps to bring attention to the stop signs at that intersection.

“Our policy is that we don’t want to put speed bumps on collector streets, and that is now a collector street,” Paramore said after the meeting.

The city plans to install flashing signal lights on top of the signs and remove trees which could be partially obstructing drivers’ view of the signs.

“Not only do I think this is a visibility issue, I think it’s also an awareness issue,” Paramore said. “The flashing beacons will make people more aware.”

Paramore said he had shared the city’s policy with Camwell earlier this week and the plans for installing the beacons.

“I feel the video evidence is overwhelming,” he told the council. “We’re reasonable people. I just don’t want to live in a place where the responsibility is so little and I’m in danger … so please do something.”

Paramore said the city’s first step will be to install the beacons. “We’re going to try that first,” he said. “I hope we can continue to work together to do what’s best for the entire community; you’re always welcome, and the dialog is open.”