Leadership Pike class supports shelter

Published 6:35 pm Wednesday, June 17, 2020

The Pike County Chamber of Commerce Leadership Pike Class of 2019-2020 donated $2,500 to the Pike County Animal Shelter on Wednesday. The donation was made in appreciation for the animal shelter’s service to the Pike County community.

The check was presented to Jickinya Majors, shelter operation manager, by Cameron Rice, Leadership Pike president, Casey  Browder, projects coordinator, and Anna Johnson, secretary.

The funds donated to the animal shelter will be used for basic needs at the shelter and also in support of the shelter’s animal adoption program.

Majors expressed appreciation to the Leadership Pike Class for its generous donation.

“We are so very grateful for the donation and it will be readily put to use,” Majors said. “We are also appreciative of these young community leaders and their willingness to be actively involved in the community.”

Majors said the donated funds will used to purchase food and cleaning supplies for the shelter and in support of adoptions which require spaying/neutering, shots and vaccinations.

Rice said, through its fundraising efforts,  the Pike Leadership Class has made donations of $2,500 each to four organizations in Pike County totaling $10,000. In addition to the Pike Animal Shelter, donations were made to Common Ground, S.A.F.F.E. and the Pike Regional Child Advocacy Center.

Rice said the Leadership Pike Class of 2019-2020 is appreciative of the opportunity to learn more about Pike County and to support to the organizations that contribute to the welfare of the Pike County community.

Dana Sanders, Pike County Chamber of Commerce president, said it is always important to support local nonprofit organizations.

“We recently added a Nonprofit Day to our Leadership Pike curriculum,” Sanders said. “This allowed class participants a first-hand look at how our local non-profits operate and causes they support. Everyone fell in love with this day and walked away with a new outlook on how to better serve the community.”

Sanders said the donations made to non-profits bless so many different people in a variety of avenues.

“I am thankful for the class and all their hard work and dedication to support these organizations,” she said.