Pike County Farm City receives statewide awards

Published 7:02 pm Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Alabama Farmers Federation Communications Director Jeff Helms was in Troy Wednesday morning to present the 2020 Best Farm City Committee Award in Division II and other awards to the Pike County Farm City Committee of the Pike County Chamber of Commerce.

The Alabama Farm City Awards were held via livestream on May 12 after COVID-19 restrictions force the cancellation of an April luncheon in Birmingham. 

Dana Sanders, Chamber president, expressed appreciation to Helms for making the personal presentation to the committee and to the committee for its hard work throughout the year and to Deborah Huggins-Davis for her outstanding leadership.

The Pike County Farm City Committee also receive the 2020 Best Media Coverage Award, Best Proclamation Award, Best Civic Club Activities and Special Activities Award.

The committee received the 2019 Best Farm City Committee in Division II along with other recognitions.

Helms said the Pike County Farm City Committee is often among the award recipients.

“And, the reason is diversification,” Helms said. “Not only does the Pike County Farm City Committee recognize and continue the events and programs that are successful, they also create new ones that generate interest in different areas.”

Helms said this year Pike County was singled out for a photography exhibit of old barns that was displayed on an old barn door at the annual Farm City Banquet in November and also at the Troy Public Library.

Other committee activities included were a tree giveaway, donation of peanuts to education in the “We’re Nuts About Teachers” program, Farm Day for 350 third-grade students, the Farm-City Swap between Pike County Probate Judge Michael Bunn and local farmer, Heath Wesley.