Brundidge reopens public library
Published 6:12 pm Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Tupper Lightfoot Memorial Library in Brundidge is open but with modifications, not to include library hours which will remain from 9 a.m. until 6 p.m. Monday through Friday and from 9 a.m. until noon on Saturday.
Karis Nicholson, circulation clerk, said the Tupper Lightfoot Memorial Library is following the Center for Disease Control Basic Guidelines for patrons and staff members.
Library staff and patrons will be asked to wear masks when they are in the building and to maintain a distance of at least six feet from all others in the library at all times. Only three patrons will be allowed in the building at a time.
“The book sections of the library have been roped off so only staff members handle the books,” Nicholson said. “In order to check out a book, patrons must write the name and author of the book or books they wish to check out and a staff member will get the book for them. That keeps the handling of the books to a minimum.”
Computers will be available to library patrons who will be required to clean the computer keyboards with supplied alcohol wipes. The computers will be spaced apart and at a safe distance. If patrons need assistance, library staff members will assist them at a distance a six-feet.
The modifications for the re-opening of the Tupper Lightfoot Memorial Library are posted on the library doors and are also available on the library’s website.
Tupper’s Summer Reading Program will not be held as usually but rather in a virtual format.
“We will not have our Summer Reading Program as in the past,” said Garnish Lampley, children’s librarian. “There will be no in house activities and special combined program and the Summer Reading Program will be a virtual experience.”
Registration for “Tupper’s” Summer Reading Program will begin on May 11 and end on May 22. To register, go on line at
“Rather than meet together for the Summer Reading Program, we will pass out kits to the children that include stories, supplies for crafts, puzzles and a lot of other things that will be educational,” Lampley said. “Of course, we will continue to encourage the children to read through our Top Readers program. The winners will receive a virtual gift card.”
The library’s other special programs and activities are on hold right now. However, Growing Words, a monthly group meeting for those who enjoy writing prose and poetry, is continuing to “gather” on Facebook. Other groups are exploring how to “meet” without physically coming together.
“Right now, we are trying to determine how the Tupper Lightfoot Memorial Library, can best serve our patrons during the days ahead,” Lampley said. “It’s just watch, wait and see.”
For more information, call 334 735 2145 or visit the library’s website.