Troy: No campus classes until the fall

Published 7:23 pm Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Officials announced Tuesday the university will continue online or other alternative delivery methods for all of its classes for the remainder of the spring semester in order to promote the health and safety of the campus community.

In-class offerings for the summer semester will also be suspended. All classes for summer will be offered online or via alternate delivery methods.

Online summer classes will start May 26.

“By extending our remote learning and working policies, we hope to do our part as a University to slow the spread of the coronavirus,” said Dr. Jack Hawkins, Jr., Chancellor. “Troy University is uniquely equipped to face this challenging time thanks to our history as a pioneer in online learning. We remain committed to the success of our students and will work diligently throughout this process to ensure each of you can continue your college journey. I urge all of our students, faculty and staff to follow the guidance of local, state and national leaders and take proper precautions to limit your exposure to the virus and prevent its spread. Together, we can overcome this challenge, and I am convinced our University will emerge stronger than ever.”

The university had shifted to alternate delivery on classes earlier in March, as a result of concerns over the spread of coronavirus. Officials confirmed that one student and one faculty member, both of who reside outside of Pike County, have self-reported testing positive for the COVID-19 virus. Officials said neither had been on campus since the beginning of spring break on March 9, but the student did return to Troy March 16-17.

About 340 students remained on campus Tuesday, living in residence halls. All halls except Pace and Shackleford will close effective April 6. Current residents can apply for extended housing; if they do not, they must be moved out by that date.

Herbert Reeves, dean of student services, said Tuesday about 60 percent of the remaining students are international students. “We should have a better number by this weekend how many students will need extended housing,” he said.

Plans are being made to house students in the two dorms with appropriate social distancing, including spacing occupied rooms as much as possible.

University officials said essential services, including take-out dining, will be provided to any students still living on campus, but only students with an urgent need for housing will be eligible to remain.

In addition, other steps being implemented by the university include:

• The spring commencement ceremonies at all locations will be postponed until July 24 to coincide with summer commencement. Additional details will be announced. Despite postponement of the commencement ceremonies, degrees will be conferred in May to students who meet graduation eligibility.

• Residence halls except for Pace Hall and Shackelford Hall will close effective April 6¬. Students who need extended housing may apply to the Housing Office to live in Pace or Shackelford. Extended housing will be granted for international students; students with academic, clinical or research requirements; students with no means of receiving remote instruction; or in cases of exceptional hardship. Essential services including take-out dining will be provided to any students still living on campus.

• All other campus residents must move their belongings out of their rooms by April 12 during scheduled time slots. University Housing will send a follow-up email with instructions for check-out procedures. Students not able to meet this move-out date should contact the Housing Office for an extension.

• Parking, meal plan, commuter plan and housing fees will be prorated from April 6 until the end of the semester. Refunds will be given to graduating seniors and all other students will receive a credit on their fall 2020 semester bill.

  • All campus events for April and May have been cancelled. Summer events will be evaluated at a later date.

  All study-abroad trips previously scheduled for May and the summer have been cancelled.

• Troy University has expanded the number of employees who may work remotely.

The University continues to closely monitor this situation and will keep you informed of any impacts to the campus community. For the latest updates from TROY, monitor your email or