Noble Manor residents accept change with grace
Published 9:19 pm Thursday, March 19, 2020
- A party at Noble Manor on March 6 celebrates Juanita Bush, who was going away. The home is now empty of visitors due to COVID-19 Coronavirus.
Life at Noble Manor is quite different from the way it was just a couple of weeks ago when the residents gathered in the dining room to wish Juanita Bush a fond farewell. Bush, a four-year resident, was leaving the manor to live near her two daughters and 12 family members in Colorado. Although, her Noble Manor “family” would miss her, the party was lively.
On Thursday, the dining room was empty and quiet. All residents were in their rooms.
The coronavirus has dictated it to be that way, said Dale Law, who, with her husband, Jimmy, owns and operates the manor.
“Our residents are staying in their rooms,” Law said. “They don’t go to the dining room so we deliver meals to their rooms. No longer are we having group activities and our residents can’t go off campus. It’s for their protection against the coronavirus. Their families are very support of what we are doing. They understand why.”
Law said the residents are handing the restrictions well.
“They go out in the hallway and walk and they are keeping their doors open,” she said. “They are watching TV, reading books, listening to music, putting puzzles together, different things to occupy their time.”
Law said employees are being closely monitored in an effort to protect the residents from exposure to those who might have been exposed to the virus.
Law said she is getting messages out to the family members of Noble Manor residents about new procedures that are being implemented.
“As the virus is getting into the southeast part of the state, we are going to monitor temperatures twice a day to make sure everybody is okay,” she said. “We are going to actively monitor our workers as they come in and do everything possible to protect our residents and our workers.”
Law said, under the circumstances, the Noble Manor residents and workers are handing the situation positively.
“They know we are doing everything possible,” she said. “God created this world in seven days and He can help us find a solution to the problem in 14 days. We just have to continue to do what we can to protect ourselves and others against this virus.”