City of Troy closes City Hall due to COVID-19 Coronavirus, services will continue

Published 9:26 pm Thursday, March 19, 2020

The City of Troy is closing more facilities as concerns about the COVID-19 Coronavirus continue.

“We are closing our buildings to the general public as far as our open spaces,” said Mayor Jason Reeves. “We feel we can take care of everything we need to in this way and we want to protect the public and our employees. We’ve stayed open we had the resources to keep things sanitary. As this stretches out over whatever period of time. We’re going to take a conservative approach and hope to get on the other side of this real soon.”

The Troy Recreation Center, Troy Nutrition Center, Colley Senior Complex and Troy Municipal Court had already closed in efforts to comply with ADPH and CDC guidance.

City Hall and the library will now be closed as well and will remain closed until further notice.

However, the city will still be providing essential services.

“Environmental services, police, fire, 311 – everything will be here,” Reeves said. “We’ll take care of all city business via the phone or online at”

The drive-thru will also remain open to handle utility bills. Reeves said the city will not be disconnecting any resident for nonpayment during the course of the virus but encourages residents to pay their bills as the disconnection will only be delayed; the balance will only build if left unpaid.