Troy Nutrition Center gives seniors free meals curbside

Published 2:42 pm Monday, March 16, 2020

The Troy Nutrition Center closed the doors to its dining hall on March 16, but that doesn’t mean seniors are going without a free hot meal.

Workers and volunteers were out from 11 a.m. to noon at the nutrition center parking lot on Monday, ready with nutritious meals for member seniors to pick up, limiting contact as the state and nation faces an outbreak of the new COVID-19 coronavirus.

“We’re going to do a deep clean of the center while everyone is away to help keep containment of the spread,” said Jessica Cox, who was helping distribute the food on Monday. “We’ll be continuing to deliver meals and offer curbside pick-up until the city opens us back up or South Alabama Central Development Commission stops any meals.”

Members may pick up the meals between 11 a.m. to noon during the closure, which is expected to last until at least March 30. Cox said family members of the seniors are also able to pick up the meals if the senior cannot come themselves.

Also helping to distribute food at the center on Monday were Nikki Jones, Alegra Bean, Beverly Casey and Joey Jones.

For more information on the Troy Nutrition Center’s services during the COVID-19 outbreak, call 334-566-0201.