Vine Church hosts ‘All in 2020’ worship event next Saturday

Published 9:07 pm Friday, February 21, 2020

The Vine church in Troy will host “All In 2020” at 6 p.m. Saturday, February 29 at the Troy Recreation Center. People of all denominations and from all walks of life are invited to attend.

“This will be more than a good meeting,” said Louis Johnson, pastor of The Vine. “There is a real need for revival in Alabama. We have the ability to tear down the old and establish the new. ‘All In Alabama 2020’ is a place to begin.”

On September 29, 2019, the Kent Mattox team announced its vision of “All In Alabama 2020.”

The vision was in response to a conference experience where it was prophesied that someone would rise up and go into every county in Alabama proclaiming the Good News of the Gospel.

Mattox said Word Alive International Outreach was willing to answer the call of God.

The mandate and strategy from the Holy Spirit was to start in January 2020 and visit all 67 counties in Alabama to implement God’s vision. In so doing, every effort, mission, strategy, and resource would be spent in Alabama.

Mattox said the mandate is to go to every county seat and pray for the county commissioners and mayors in office.

Johnson said he wants to be in on what God is doing.

“America needs revival and that revival should begin in the marketplace, among people of all denominations,” Johnson said. “‘All In Alabama 2020’ is that marketplace, where all of us can come together to be a part of what God is doing in Alabama and here in Pike County.”