Community remembers Broderway
Published 7:52 pm Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Funeral services will be held today for Donnie Broderway, the owner of Troy Paint and Body Shop in Troy.
For nearly 40 years, Broderway was the go-to guy when it came to auto body work. He started working in Luverne and then worked for Bill Jackson Chevrolet and Troy Nissan before opening his own body shop.
“Everybody in the country knew Donnie and looked to him when it came to body work,” said Ashley Floyd. “If you mentioned his name, folks knew him. His name was the first that came up. He was a legend in the body shop business.
“I had a good friend in the body shop business in Columbus, Georgia and he told me he wanted to meet Donnie. That he was a character on the phone. Everybody that knew him and those that just knew of him respected him in the body shop business and as a man.”
Floyd said Broderway was a friend to everyone.
“He would give you the shirt off his back, if he knew you or if he didn’t,” he said. “I had some sinus surgeries and he was the first person to call and ask about me when I got out of the hospital. That’s just the kind of man he was. He did a lot for a lot of people that you’ll never know about. If you knew him, you loved him. He was a good man. The best kind of man.”
Jerry Beckett agreed that Donnie Broderway was the best kind of man.
“My first introduction with Donny was in the insurance business,” Beckett said. “Donny did a lot of repair work around town and that’s how we first knew each other but, over time, we became friends. “Donny had a great sense of humor and would always bring a joke into a situation. I liked being around him. He had some strong opinions but he always kept things in perspective.”
Beckett said Broderway was in a tough business but he always weathered the storm.
“Donnie will be missed by many people in Troy and all around Pike County,” he said.
BB Palmer said Broderway will be missed in many ways and for his many kindnesses that will never be known.
“Like so many people, I first knew Donnie through his business,” Palmer said. “He was a good supporter of the rodeo and the Pike County Cattlemen. He was as dependable as the day is long and he would do anything for you. One time, I took an old antique bed frame and asked him to sand blast it. He did and he didn’t charge me a dime. That’s just the kind of man he was. He was a good friend to a lot of folks, to anybody that knew him. He will be missed. We’ve lost a mighty good man.”