PCBOE honors board members

Published 7:35 pm Tuesday, January 14, 2020

The Pike County Board of Education members were recognized for their outstanding contributions to the Pike County Schools at a reception Monday afternoon.

The month of January is traditionally School Board Recognition Month. Dr. Mark Bazzell, Pike County Superintendent of Schools Dr. Mark Bazzell expressed his appreciation to board members, Linda Steed, Earnest Green, Dr. Greg Price, Chris Wilkes, Dr. Clint Foster and Justin Davis for their many contributions to the Pike County Schools and for their commitment and dedication to the children of Pike County.

“Bar none. I have the best board of education in the state of Alabama,” Bazzell said. “This board is outstanding. They work together in the best interest of the students and the schools. For this board, the students always come first. I appreciate their commitment and dedication that keeps Pike County Schools continually moving forward.”

Following the reception, the Pike County Board of Education met in regular session and considered new business and personnel requests.

In new business, the board approved the financial statement and bank reconcilements and the payment of payrolls for December.

The board approved a request for all students in grades five and seven and new ninth-graders to attend the one-day STEM adventure aboard AMBITION at the National Flight Academy in Pensacola in March. Dates to be announced.

The board also approved a request for 36 students and five chaperones to attend a three-day cruise aboard AMBITION at the National Flight Academy in Pensacola in March. Date to be announced.

In personnel action, the board:

• Accepted the resignation of Ali Grace Eiland, math teacher at Pike County High School, effective December 18, 2019.

• Accepted the resignation of Courtland Stowe, physical education teacher at Banks, effective January 15, 2020.

•Accepted the resignation of Anthony Pintaro, special education teacher at Goshen Elementary School, effective December 18, 2019.

• Approved the request to employ Rebecca Thomas, bus aide.

• Approved the request to employ Syreeda Lampley, child nutrition program worker at Goshen Elementary School.

• Approved the request to employ Kerri Hobbs, physical education teacher, Banks.

• Approved the request to employ Davia Terry, special education aide at Pike County High School.

• Approved volunteer status for Talon O’Fearghail, archery, Banks.

• Approved catastrophic leave for Natalie Knox, child nutrition program worker.