NLCA presents ‘Biblical Christmas Carol’

Published 9:23 pm Thursday, December 19, 2019

The students at New Life Christian Academy presented “A Biblical Christmas Carol” for faculty, family and friends at the school Thursday night. Polly Laird, director, said the play is adapted from Charles Dickens “The Christmas Carol.”

“It is a story of how a lonely old man, after years of hearing friends and loved now repeatedly witness the grace of God, retired to be on a very lonely Christmas Eve.”

Laird said the old man dreams of voices of the past, remembers to Grace he has shunned and recognizes the great weight of sin which will soon accompany him into eternity. His speculation on the future and reality breaks his will and he kneels at the Cross to receive God’s Unspeakable Gift. His new birth now opens up a new life of blessing to all who faithfully and patiently stood by.

The young students presented the story of the birth of Jesus as told in the Holy Bible.