Chili Pickin’: Dill Pickers star in Chili Country Christmas

Published 8:45 pm Monday, December 9, 2019

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The Dill Pickers brought Christmas to Brundidge Friday night in a special and memorable way.

The Dill Pickers, a vocal string band based in Birmingham ushered in the Christmas season in much the way of those folks who pioneered Alabama’s Sand Mountain many years ago.

When you think of a Chili Country Christmas, you think of shivering on a cold winter’s night but not at the We Piddle Around Theater.

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The chili was hot from the pot, the atmosphere was warm and friendly and the entertainment can’t be beat, said Sally Thompson from “way down in the Wiregrass.”

“I don’t know when I’ve enjoyed anything as much,” she said. “The We Piddle Around Theater is just about the most unique theater I’ve ever seen and the entertainment was the best. I was well entertained. The Dill Pickers are very talented –singers and musicians– and they were funny. It was a very entertaining evening.”

Norton Dill, band leader, said the Dill Pickers are a vocal band who happens to own bluegrass instruments. And, bluegrass was played but the focus was Christmas. From “Go Tell It on the Mountain” to “Sweet Little Jesus Boy’ and a rousing audience sing-along of holiday favorites, The Dill Pickers brought Christmas to town.“I loved it,” said Allene Snider of Troy. “I would go back to see it again and right now. I loved everything about the show, the music, the comedy, the food, everything.”

Snider said the Dill Pickers told about the Sand Mountain folkway through their music and the skits where they dressed like mountain characters. It was a great show and I’m glad I was there.”

Cathie Steed, ticket chair for the sponsoring Brundidge Historical Society, said tickets for The Dill Pickers went fast.

“The Dill Pickers were the feature entertainment for our Peanut Butter Festival several years ago but people remembered them,” Steed said. “They are a group that it’s not easy to forget. So, the tickets sold fast but we will have them back again.”

“We had a wonderful time performing at the We Piddle Around Theater,” Dill said. “What a great place – the friendliest folks and a perfect spot to bring a little Christmas cheer.”