Bid awarded to improve downtown sidewalks
Published 8:29 pm Tuesday, November 26, 2019
More sidewalks downtown will soon be replaced after a vote by the Troy City Council Tuesday to award a bid for the construction project.
The sidewalks to be replaced are South Three Notch Street from Church Street to Love Street, West Church Street from South Three Notch to the Pike County Courthouse, and West Elm Street from North Three Notch to the alley before 101 W. Elm Street.
The project is the latest Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) project to be approved by the council, which applied for the grant for this project in 2017.
Replacing downtown sidewalks is a part of the Vision 2020 Downtown Plan.
The bid was awarded to Geisler Contracting at a cost of $469,667, of which the Alabama Department of Transportation will pay 80 percent, leaving the city’s cost at $100,573.
The council also approved an application to rehabilitate Oak Park Drive through the Rebuild Alabama Act competitive grant pool.
“The Rebuild Alabama Act set aside $10 million of revenues generated to have this grant program,” said Mayor Jason Reeves. “This application would rehab a portion west of roundabout. It’s in bad shape”
The grant would fund up to $250,000 in the repair and the “high-level” estimated cost of the project is $488,000.
In other business, the council:
• Approved a bid to TCA Electrical Contractors for $541,280 to rehabilitate runway 725 and taxiway lighting at the Troy Municipal Airport. 95 percent will be covered by state and federal sources, leaving the city to pay $27,091
• Approved an off-premise beer and wine license for Little Oak Grocery
• Approved a grant to make energy efficiency improvements at the wastewater treatment facility
• Approved an agreement with CDG for engineering services on the access road at Conecuh Ridge Distillery off Trojan Way.