County officials qualify for reelection

Published 9:16 pm Wednesday, October 23, 2019

All six incumbent county commissioners as well as other county officers have qualified for reelection – and nobody has yet qualified to run against any of the sitting officials.

Donna Horn, president of the Pike County Republican Party, confirmed that Republican commissioners Robin Sullivan, District 2; Jimmy Barron, District 3; Chad Copeland, District 4; and Russell Johnson, District 6, have all qualified for reelection. Jerry Williams, president of the Pike County Democratic Party, confirmed the commissioners Homer Wright, District 1, and Charlie Harris, District 5, have also qualified for reelection with the state party.

Williams said Revenue Commissioner Curtis Blair and Earnest Green, Pike County Board of Education District 1 representative, have also filed to run for reelection to their seats.

So far, no challengers have qualified to challenge any of the incumbents, but there is still time for other candidates to declare and create some local races.

The deadline to qualify is 4:30 p.m. on November 8, 2019. Republican and Democrat candidates for commission, revenue commissioner, and the open Pike County Board of Education seats must file with their local parties.

If any incumbents are challenged, the primary races will be held on Tuesday March 3, 2020, and the General Election will be held on Tuesday, November 3, 2020.