HIGH HONOR: Troy Fire holds promotion ceremony

Published 9:32 pm Wednesday, September 11, 2019

The Troy Fire Department promoted 12 firefighters Wednesday afternoon at The Studio, honoring the first responders in front of their family, peers and community.

“I think it’s important, and certainly not lost on me, that this important ceremony today falls on September 11,” said Troy Mayor Jason Reeves. “It changed our lives. We just couldn’t know what the future held. What these firemen – and their brothers and sisters in the police department, sheriff’s department, military – all of our first responders what they do to allow us to be safe, and the sacrifices that you and all of your families make. Words are not adequate to express how much we appreciate all of what you do for us every day. You never know what that next call is going to be. We owe a debt of gratitude to our first responders that we can’t pay.”

Formerly battalion chief, Curtiss Shaver was promoted to the new position of deputy chief, to serve as the right hand to fire chief Michael Stephens.

Shaver worked his way up the ranks during his time at Troy, being named captain in 2014 and battalion chief in 2017.

Stepping up into Shaver’s role is Mylan Beasley, formerly a captain. Sergeants Jackie Farmer and Jason McManigle were both promoted to the rank of captain.

Eight firefighters were promoted to the rank of sergeant: Casey, Adams, Tommy Butts, Brandon Carpenter, Audie Davis, Blake Hermeling, Jayson Marler, Justin Sanders and Stephen Stricklin.

Each of the firefighters had his badge pinned onto his uniform by a family member or other person significant to their life and career.