JCA membership drive brings in support for arts
Published 9:43 pm Tuesday, September 10, 2019
By all accounts, the Season Membership and Kick-Off Party at The Studio Thursday night was a smashing success. The event was a first-time membership event for the Johnson Center for the Arts.
Wiley White, JCA exhibition coordinator, said the Johnson Center is a non-profit organization and must depend on grants, donations and memberships to remain admission free.
“We were excited by the tremendous response to the Season Membership and Kick-Off party,” White said. “We had a good crowd early and late. Johnny Barron and his band are always fantastic; Velma never fails to pleases with the food and we can’t say ‘thank you’ enough to our sponsors, Premier Dodge, Ram and the Troy Rotary Club.”
White said many new members joined the ranks of those who have been members from opening day.
“We have a dedicate core membership and a large number of longtime and more recent members who are just as dedicated,” White said. “And, it is very encouraging to have so many young adult members. These younger members offer sustainability to our membership and, therefore, to the future of the Johnson Center.”
White expressed appreciation to all who contributed to the success of the membership drive and encourages those who are not members to consider all the Johnson Center has to offer individuals, families and the extended community.
The Johnson Center for the Arts is an outstanding visual arts gallery and much more.
“We are a complete arts center,” White said. “The Johnson Center is the premier art gallery in this area. In addition to the visual arts, we have music, dance and theater programs and offer art, music and drama classes for young people at affordable fees. Our fundraisers help make it possible to continue to offer outstanding arts events, provide quality entertainment and lots of fun.”
The next big event for the Johnson Center is Christmas at the Center on December 12 at the JCA and The Studio. Christmas at the Center is the JCA’s largest annual fundraiser.
Jennifer Senn, co-chair of the event, said Christmas at the Center features a seated dinner, entertainment, dancing and silent and live auctions.
“The silent auction will be at the JCA that is beautifully decorated for Christmas,” Senn said. “The center’s nine large Christmas trees, one nearly 20 feet tall, are decorated with ornaments handmade by students in both the county and city schools.”
There will be a large number of items of note in the silent auction at the JCA. The live auction at The Studio will feature items including original artwork, beach and mountain rentals and parties. The bidding will be highly competitive but neighbor friendly, Senn said.
Multi-level JCA memberships are available throughout the year, individuals through corporate. The benefits of membership increase with the level.
For more information or to become Johnson Center member, visit the JCA at 300 East Walnut Street in downtown Troy or call 334-867-0000.
An artists’ reception will be held at the JCA for exhibiting artists Beverly West Leach and Russell Everett from 6 until 8 p.m. Thursday. The artists will also give art talks about their work. The public is invited.