Troy City Schools tech director Eujon Anderson named Google Innovator

Published 3:00 am Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Troy City Schools director of technology Eujon Anderson is one of just 40 U.S. applicants to be named a “Google Innovator” by the leading tech company.

Anderson submitted an application to be named a Google innovator earlier this year in hopes to better connect the system’s administration with the ever-changing technology in the classrooms of today.

“Technology can sometimes be viewed as another objective or checkdown on a list, and that can trickle down to teachers and students, Anderson said. “The question is, how can we create a space for instructional leaders to become visionary leaders?”

As a Google Innovator, Anderson will be traveling to New York City in October to meet with other innovators and brainstorm ways to improve that connection.

“We’re extremely blessed to have the quality of instructional staff members here that can pursue these types of additional certifications and degrees to help us and every one of our students to excel in classroom technology and techniques,” said Dr. Lee Hicks, superintendent of Troy City Schools. “From the day (Anderson) came in, he has shifted us into becoming a Google school. He has been a trainer for years now helping us to stay on the cutting edge of the plethora of things Google has under its umbrella; it’s something that really money can’t buy, to have his knowledge and share it with teachers and staff is priceless. We’re very proud of what he has been able to do. This was not a directive – this was him taking initiative. My job has been to support him and stay out of his way. He has grown our system with technology by leaps and bounds.”

Whether administrators lack education technology experience or are long removed from the classroom, Anderson said it’s vital for administration to be kept up to date.

“Lack of time and having many roles becomes a challenge for instructional leaders to be innovative in their roles,” Anderson said. “This normally leads to an environment where there is not much creativity, which impacts teacher skills and student learning.”