Greeks support CAC fundraiser

Published 6:42 pm Monday, August 19, 2019

Kristen Rushing, Troy University Greek Week director, presented a check in the amount of $2,500 to Carrie Manning and Traci Leverett, members of the Pike Regional Child Advocacy Center board of directors, in support of the CAC’s Leis of Love Luau fundraiser Thursday night at J. Michelle’s Special Events.

Manning and Leverett accepted the donation with great appreciation from the CAC board, the staff and the children and families that will benefit from the caring and generosity of the Greeks.

Leverette said the proceeds from the Leis of Love Luau will fund the purchase of a colposcope that is needed for forensic medical exams as well as renovations to a room at the CAC facility.

“With the purchase of the colposcope, children who have been the alleged victims of sexual abuse will be examined at the Pike Regional CAC by a physician or trained sexual assault nurse examiner rather than having to travel 100 miles for the exam,” Leverette said. “That will greatly reduce the trauma of the examination.”

Leverette said the examination room at the PRCAC will be remodeled so that it is child friendly.

“That, too, will reduce the trauma for the child,” she said.

The cost of the colposcope and the renovation is estimated at around $60,000.

Manning said the support of the Troy University Greeks has been ongoing and is making the difference in the lives of children who are having to deal with circumstance that no child should ever have to experience.

“We are greatly appreciative,” she said.

Rushing said the Greek community at Troy University comes together during Greek Week in an effort to make a difference in the community and in the lives of others.

The Greek community has also supported Vivian B. Adams in Ozark which serves the needs of individuals with intellectual disabilities and Relay for Life, a fundraiser for the American Cancer Society.

“Greeks raise funds in different ways including cook-offs, Spirit Nights and the Greek Games,” Rushing said. “We have fun while doing something worthwhile for others.”

The Leis of Love Luau fundraiser for the Pike Regional Child Advocacy Center will be at 7 p.m. Thursday at J. Michelle’s Special Events on Highway 231 south of Troy.

The luau will feature the 12 Eleven Band, a cash bar and a silent auction. Tickets are $50 for individuals, $90 for couples and tables for eight are $600.

To purchase tickets, contact the Pike Regional Child Advocacy Center at 334-670-0487.