BACK TO SCHOOL: Pike County students return to classes

Published 3:00 am Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Deana Elmore stood alone on a deserted island Tuesday morning waiting for her fellow survivors to return and create a plan to work together to live out life on the island.

In reality, the island was a classroom, festively decorated to resemble a remote tropical island and Elmore’s fellow survivors were her sixth grade class, returning from their morning P.E. session.

The kids had stopped by the homeroom that morning, but were quickly whisked away for the first period, and Elmore was ready to really get to know her new students and begin the adventure of a new school year with them.

“I’ve been doing this for 27 years now,” Elmore said. “I love every second of it. I’m so glad that another year is about to start.”

Just around the corner and down the hall, Lynne Dansby was laying out all of the rules that her first grade classroom has put in place to make sure everyone has a “toadally awesome year,” referencing the class’ frog-themed decorations.

Dr. Mark Head, administrative assistant to Dr. Mark Bazzell, superintendent of Pike County Schools, said opening day was going smoothly around the county.

Head visited the elementary schools in Brundidge and Banks and said enrollment was up at both schools.

“We had expected an increase in enrollment and we are pleased to have a lot of new students in our system,” he said. “We are looking forward to a good school year and have expectations of success for all our students. They are already engaged.”
Pike County Elementary School was a-buzz with the registration of new students and the reuniting of classmates.

Already, students were being good helpers. Pelaiah Anthony and Lillian Parker were busy gofers and were all smiles at being such “big girls” on the first day of school.

Both students said they like going to school and being with friends.

Most of all, they “like to learn about new things” and running “learning” close second is
“going out to play.”

Banks Primary School probably had more parents at the school on opening day than students.

Laura Ellis welcomed parents and students. The parents appreciated the opportunity to meet their children’s teachers and visit their classrooms.

Sabrina Thomas, kindergarten teacher, said the first day of school is always exciting for teachers as they welcome students to their classrooms and to the exciting world of learning.

“It’s great to have our students back,” said Dr. Mark Bazzell, superintendent. “By all reports, today has been a very good day. I think the hard work that was done this summer in terms of planning and preparation paid off on day one. We’re looking forward to a great school year.”