PCBOE makes personnel changes as students prepare to return

Published 3:00 am Wednesday, July 31, 2019

The Pike County Board of Education met Monday and continued to employ teachers for the 2019-2020 school year. Dr. Mark Bazzell, superintendent of Pike County Schools, said there are only a few positions yet to be filled. All new hires will be great additions to an outstanding staff of educators countywide. The board also considered requests for voluntary status for those desiring to assist with athletics.

In new business, the board:

  • Amended the meeting dates for the November meeting from November 11, 2019, to November 18, 2019, due to conflict with Veteran’s Day
  • Approved the request for TPCT to enter into a contract with Cannon Solutions America, Inc. to lease/purchase a new copy machine. All cost will be split between TPCT and Troy City Schools.
  • Approved the extension of the following bids for the 2019-2020 school year. Mark Dunning Industries (dumpsters), Thompson Gas (propane gas), Fall Facilities (custodial services), and Triple “E” Services (grass cutting).
  • Approved the request to open a new bank account for GES Extended Day Program.
  • Approved the request to continue to give financial support to the Pike County Economic Development Center in the amount of $25,000.
  • Approved the warranty deed for Right of Way document associated with Kimber Access Road Project

pending review by Board Attorney.

  • Approved the request for temporary construction easements associated with Kimber Access Road

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Project pending review by Board Attorney.

  • Approved the adjustment to Kelley’s substitute teacher rate pay per recommendation of CSFO,

Jennifer Hornsby.

In personnel action, the board:

  • Accepted the medical resignation of Linda Allen, Child Nutrition Program worker. Effective September 1, 2019.
  • Accepted the resignation of Sonya Galloway, fourth grade teacher at Goshen Elementary School.
  • Approved the request to employ Jennifer Cook, fourth grade teacher, Pike County Elementary School.
  • Approved the request to employ Jo Ann Perdue as bus driver aide.
  • Approved the request to employ Neal Stance, English teacher at Pike County High School.
  • Approved the request to employ Ria Turk, English teacher at Pike County High School.
  • Approved the request to employ Haley Ellis, Pre-K auxiliary teacher, Goshen Elementary School
  • Approved the request to employ Annie King, Child Nutrition Program worker.
  • Approved request to employ Antwuan Stinson, Science, Technology, Engineering, Math (STEM) teacher.
  • Approved the request to employ Courtland Stowe, physical education aide at Pike County Elementary School.
  • Approved the request to employ Cora Boyd, IDEA SPED (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Special Education) website,
  • Approved the request to employ Heather Bunn, math teacher, Goshen High School.
  • Approved the request to continue to contract for part-time services for two Troy University tutors for the 2019-2020 school year, Nick Beaty and Ethan Stonecipher.
  • Accepted the resignation of Jamie Durant, Intervention SPED Aide, GES.
  • Accepted the resignation of Anika Colvin, Intervention SPED Aide, GHS.
  • Accepted the resignation of Rose Arrington, SPED Teacher, GHS.
  • Approved the request to employ TeAndrea Burnett, intervention aide, GES.
  • Approved the request to employ Jamie Durant, fourth grade teacher, GES.
  • Approved the request to employ Ruben Howard, intervention aide, GHS.
  • Approved the request to employ Darius Davis, instructional aide. PCES.
  • Approved volunteer status for Amanda Campbell, band, GHS.
  • Approved volunteer status for Kerri Coston, football, GHS
  • Approved volunteer status for Antonio Brundidge, football, GHS.
  • Approved volunteer status for Kenneth Styron, football, GHS.
  • Approved volunteer status for Barry Jones, football, GHS.
  • Approved volunteer status for Michael Wilcoxon, football, GHS.
  • Approved volunteer status for Darius McClain, football, GHS.

•Approved volunteer status for Antonio Rogers, football, GHS.