Meeksville to host Fourth of July parade Thursday

Published 8:04 pm Monday, July 1, 2019

On the Fourth of July, all the roads seemingly lead to Meeksville in rural northern Pike County.

For eight years now, Meeksville has hosted Pike County’s Fourth of July Parade. Locals and those from outlying areas whoa enjoy a Norman Rockwell-kind of parade find their way to Meeksville, which is 697 miles from the White House in Washington, D.C., that’s 28 days by buggy.

But, no matter how far the distance, Ernest Green, parade committee, said the Fourth of July Parade is worth the drive.

The Fourth of July Parade actually started in nearby China Grove and Meeksville “kind of” inherited the parade from its neighbor.

“And, we really enjoy doing it. We look forward to the parade every year,” Green said. “We invite everybody to come join the parade. Anything goes!”

Push a lawnmower, ride a fancy float or a swayback mule, just come and join the fun, Green said. “But, the parade route is about a mile so walkers need to keep that in mind.”

Parade lineup is at the old Meeksville Fire Station across from Scottie’s Grocery, beginning around 9 a.m. with the parade to step off at 10 a.m.

“The parade route is from the fire station to Meeksville’s Harmony Park,” Green said. “There are plenty of places along the route to park and watch the parade and Harmony Park is a great place to watch.”

Alfred Alloway will be honored as the grand marshal of the 2019 Meeksville Fourth of July Parade.

“Alfred is one of the organizers of the Meeksville Volunteer Fire Department,” Green said. He has served as fire chief and is our oldest member. We are honored to have him as our grand marshal.”

Green said Rex Lumber will not have log trucks running so there will be clear sailing for the Fourth of July Parade and post parade activities.

Following the parade, at Harmony Park, there will be entertainment, kids’ activities, fellowship and Chef Chicken Harvis’ famous barbecue will be on the grill.

“Chicken has trained his grandson to cook the barbecue and he’s done such a good job you can’t tell the difference,” Green said. “We’ll have barbecue plates for $7 and slabs for $20 as long as they last.”

Everyone is invited to come and parade or just enjoy watching, stay for lunch and celebrate the America’s birthday with family, friends and neighbors.

Meeksville is north of Troy just off highway 231. Take County Road 7714 or 7723 and follow the crowd