Master Gardeners host plant sale

Published 10:23 pm Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Everything may not be coming up roses.

Could be that snapdragons, larkspurs or black-eyed-Susans or maybe geraniums or periwinkles could be coming up. Especially for those who stop to shop at the 2019 Pike County Master Gardeners’ Spring Plant Sale at TroyFest.

However, the master gardeners’ annual plant sale will be “One Day  Only.”

Nell Haigh, master gardener, said the plant sale will be from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. Saturday only.

“We invite everyone who has an interest in plants to stop by the Pike County Master Gardener’s Plant Sale @TroyFest and shop,” she said.

The master gardeners’ booth will be located near Byrd Drugs.

The plants will be more than reasonably priced and some are cuttings from plants that have been successful grown by the master gardeners.

Haigh said, in addition the large variety of plants for sale, the master gardeners will have a selection of craft items.

The master gardeners will be on hand to answer gardening questions or just to enjoy talking about plants and trading how-to’s and how-not-to’s  when caring for plants.

The Pike County Master Gardeners a member of the Alabama Master Gardeners Alabama  Cooperatives Extension System.