Community praises Troy’s ‘Mamma Mia!’

Published 1:01 am Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Oh, “Mamma Mia!” What a show!

If the audiences were right, the Broadway and movie musical had nothing on Troy University’s weekend productions of “Mamma Mia!

All three sold-out audiences gave spontaneous standing ovations to the cast and crew for what Diana Lee of Troy said was an “amazing show.”

“I knew that ‘Mamma Mia1’ would be good because productions by the Troy University Department of Theater and Dance are always good but I didn’t know how good,” Lee said. “The singing was great, the acting was great, the costumes were great and the set was great. It was a quality performance all around.”

Having seen the movie with all the different set locations, Lee said she realized there would be challenges.

“But the set was handled so well,” she said. “I can’t say enough about the entire performance. It was just simply amazing.”

Henry Hudley of Brundidge attended both the Friday and Saturday night performances.

“I knew it would be good because it had singing and dancing, so, if I went twice, it would be twice as good,” Hudley said. “And it was. Saturday night, several people were saying they had seen ‘Mamma Mia!’ in New York and the Troy University production was as good as that.”

Hudley said he knew several people in the cast and that made the show even more entertaining.

“There was a lot of talent on that stage,” he said. “It was good entertainment and we are fortunate to have Troy University so we can enjoy performances like that.”

Nicklaus Chrysson was among the Troy University students who came out in large numbers to see the show.

“I’ve seen the movie but never a stage production,” Chrysson said. “It was worth every penny and more. I enjoyed it all. I love ABBA and the music was so much fun. The fast-moving pace kept your interest and those 1970s jump suits were incredible. It was interesting the way they changed the sets so that you didn’t even notice. I was just impressed by it all.”
Chrysson said he didn’t expect to see several Troy University professors on stage.

“And, they were great,” he said. “I didn’t realize they were so talented. I guess that’s why we have such great teachers at Troy University.”

Chrysson said “Mamma Mia!” was an incredible production.

“But, then I’ve never been to a production of Troy University theater and dance that I didn’t like.”

Lomax Robinette of Ariton said he would go back again tomorrow if he had the opportunity.

“Everything about the show was perfect,” he said. “And, the sound was amazing. I don’t think it could be done any better anywhere.

If I could go back. I wouldn’t miss the chance.”