GIVING BACK: Christian Love Center provides free essentials

Published 10:00 pm Wednesday, April 17, 2019

The Christian Love Center doesn’t usually host its “Day of Giving” until June, but Director Lawanda Bell said the tornado strike in Troy Sunday spurred the organization to give back now.

“We wanted to give back to the entire City of Troy in a bigger way than we normally do it,” Bell said. “We usually do this right when school gets out, but this is a little bit different. We wanted to show love to our community.”

The sisters of Phi Mu sorority helped put on the event, and Jessica Drivas of Clippers Hair and Nails provided free cuts to any kids that needed one. The center also gave away free shoes, clothes and food boxes during the event.

“Compassion is the ultimate value, love is the ultimate value,” Bell said. “We think you should be the change you want to see in the world. That’s why we’re out here giving back.”