Fountain wins TroyFest shirt design contest

Published 10:37 pm Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Charlie Fountain, a fourth grade student at Pike Liberal Arts, said his class had just learned about artist Georgia O’Keeffe when it came time to enter the TroyFest t-shirt design contest.

So he took inspiration from O’Keeffe’s many paintings of flowers to create his entry, a big, bright flower opening it’s many-colored petals to the sun.

Fountain was just one of about 500 students across local school systems to submit a design for consideration, so he was surprised when TroyFest’s Catherine Jordan showed up at the school Monday to tell him that his design was chosen as the 2019 t-shirt.

“I haven’t really won anything like this before except student of the month; I’ve never had much luck at winning stuff,” Fountain said. “I just thought of something to do, and I never think of something to do like that. It’s just really cool; you’re just thinking how did you win this with all the other people in this?”

Jordan said Fountain’s design exhibits the spirit of TroyFest.

“The artistic design is judged by art teachers from the community,” Jordan said. “We pull all the entries aside and look through to find the most exciting piece of art, something bright and colorful that would be great on a t-shirt. I think (Fountain’s design) was colorful and caught your attention. Most people like bright colorful projects. He used a lot of different colors  and it popped when you look at it. That’s what TroyFest is about – colorful, unusual handmade items that are one-of-a-kind ; that’s what his design was.”

Jordan said the design contest is an exciting way to “get the younger kids involved and show off their artistic ability.”

As a reward, Fountain will get the first shirt “hot off the press” along with TroyFest bucks to spend at the festival.

Jordan said Fountain’s art teacher will also receive a $100 reward to purchase art supplies for the classroom.

For the rest of the festival-loving public, the shirts will be on sale during the festival on Saturday, April 27, and Sunday, April 28.

Knowing that many people like to wear the shirt to the festival, Jordan said pre-sales are expected to be available by the Thursday before the festival. The shirts will be ready for pickup at the Colley Complex.

All of the proceeds from the shirts go right back into funding the festival, including prizes and scholarships that are given out during the event.

The festival will open downtown on Saturday, April 27 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and will continue Sunday, April 28 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

“We want everyone to come, it will be an exciting time the community to come together,” Jordan said. “We’ll have a kids corner, a lot of entertainment – there will be something for everybody.”