‘Sorting Enthusiast’ speaks to Female Factor
Published 7:04 pm Wednesday, March 13, 2019
- Photo/Jaine Treadwell Jessica Webb, founder of The Styled Closet, shared organizing tips with the guests at the monthly Female Factor meeting on Wednesday. Webb offers her wardrobe and organizing skills to residents throughout the area.
Jessica Webb is a sorting enthusiast.
A what? One might ask.
And the question would probably receive a quick answer from about 130 ladies who attended Female Factor at The Studio in downtown Troy at noon Wednesday.
Jessica Webb was the program guest at the monthly meeting of ladies and she was there to talk about her “Style Closet Program.”
Webb actually goes, “invited” into homes and assists women in re-arranging their closets. Probably every one the ladies at Female Factor cringed at the thought of having Webb open the door of their bedroom closets.
And, Webb admitted that is the feeling of most ladies who employ her to rearrange their closets. Their first thought is “look in my closet and you will die.”
“Some people would be ashamed to have someone look in their closets,” Webb said. “But re-arranging closets can be life changing.”
Webb said she was speaking from experience. Her parents were hoarders but she kept her room organized and it was an orderly place — a place of comfort, a place where she could relax and find solitude. She realized that disorder has the opposite effect. Even a messy closet can get one’s day off to a disorderly start.
So, it is Webb’s mission or second job — she is a speech therapist with Troy City Schools – to bring order to ladies’ lives by rearranging their closets.
Webb started The Styled Closet in December 2018 and “rearranging” is keeping her busy.
“My mission is to help others gain a sense of peace in their closet space and confidence in their daily style,” she said.
Although most women probably haven’t given much thought to how something as seemingly mundane as a clothes closet could adversely affect their attitudes and, consequently, their days.
“Opening the closet every day and being able to select the appropriate outfit without feeling frustrated or distracted can get the day off to a pleasant start,” Webb said.
“So, those who are tired of trying to find something to wear or bored with their current outfit rotation could benefit from a styled closet.
“If your closet is overwhelming or you don’t know what’s in there, then treat yourself and have your closet rearranged.”
Even if frustration, distraction or boredom are not creeping around in the closet, Webb said there are five question that are tell-tale signs that a closet needs rearranging.
“Ask yourself when was the last time you wore an article of clothing or does it fit,” she said. “Is an article of clothing worn or damaged? Would you buy it today? Is it a staple piece?’
The answers to those questions can help even the novice re-arranger find a starting place for cleaning out their closets and bringing less frustration when the closet door is opened.”