Flynt: Talking history and making history
Published 8:42 pm Tuesday, March 12, 2019
- Auburn University Professor Emeritus Wayne Flynt will be the featured speaker Saturday at the “Alabama History, Music and Cracklin’ Bread” event in Brundidge. The event is part of Alabama’s Bicentennial Celebration and takes place at the “We Piddle Around Theatre.”
The Tupper Lightfoot Memorial Library and the City of Brundidge will celebrate Alabama’s Bicentennial with “Alabama History, Music and Cracklin’ Bread” at 6 p.m. Saturday at the We Piddle Around Theater.
The Alabama Bicentennial event will feature Dr. Wayne Flynt, Professor Emeritus in the Department of History at Auburn University.
Flynt’s name was in the news over the weekend when reported that he described President Donald Trump’s signing of the Bible during a visit to tornado-torn Lee County as “That’s right next to sacrilege. That’s a holy book.”
Some may agree and some may not but there will be no if’s and’s and but’s about Flynt’s knowledge of Alabama history and those who have played prominent roles in the shaping of Alabama.
The topic of Flynt’s presentation Saturday will be “Pulitzers and Politics: The Legacies of Harper Lee and George Wallace.”
“In Alabama’s bicentennial year, we have much to celebrate and much to improve,” Flynt said. “Alabama culture, both in its elite form and its ordinary folk culture, has excelled and is highly regarded worldwide. Our writers, storytellers, musicians, and artists, are world renowned, symbolized by Harper Lee, the nation’s favorite novelist.
“Our politics, not so much. In many ways, the corrupt legacy of Governor George Wallace still haunts the state and defines it in the minds of many Americans. In categories of intellectual and cultural creativity, no state does it better. In terms of quality of life, vision, and justice, few states do it worse. The question for Alabama’s third century is simple: How can we make the quality of life for every Alabama resident match the excellence of our creativity?”
Flynt has written 13 books that focus largely on the historical, economic and social fabric of Alabama including “Poor But Proud: Alabama’s Poor Whites.” Flynt co-wrote “Alabama: A History of a Deep South State,” both books were nominated for Pulitzer Prizes. His book, “Mockingbird Songs: My Friendship with Harper Lee” was published in 2017.
Flynt will have books available for sale on Saturday, and possibly his Alabama Bicentennial history.
“Alabama History, Music and Cracklin’ Bread” will also feature “History of Alabama Music” by Lenny Trawick and Amanda Trawick.” The father/daughter duo will talk about Alabama’s rich musical history and perform some of the state’s most memorable songs.
Tickets for “Tupper’s” Alabama Bicentennial event are $10 for adults and $5 for children. Tickets are available at the library on South Main Street in Brundidge or by calling 334-735-2145.