Treasure Forest association gives awards
Published 10:12 pm Thursday, February 28, 2019
- Mert Thompson received the Alabama Forestry Commission Stewardship Recognition on behalf of her son Danny Thompson. Pictured with her are her grandson, Derrick Thompson and great-grandchildren, Asa and Lulu Thompson. Also pictured is Jeremy Lowery, AFC Regional forester
The Pike County Chapter of the Alabama TREASURE Forest Association hosted its annual chapter meeting Thursday in the Fellowship Hall of First Baptist Church in Troy.
Mert Thompson and her son Danny Thompson received Alabama Forestry Commission Stewardship Recognition for their property in the Springhill area.
Gene and Jana Renfroe and Sorrell Lumber & Pulpwood Company received Forest Education recognition.
Thompson said forest management has always been important to her family.
“Our forests are truly treasures and it’s up to us to manage them for now and for the future,” she said.
Terry Ingalls, Sorrell Lumber & Pulpwood Company, expressed appreciation for the recognition and to Pike County and the City of Troy for providing the opportunities needed for Sorrell to stay strong and active over the years.
The Renfroes were not able to attend the meeting. Deborah Davis-Huggins, chapter treasurer, thanked them for making their property available for the annual Classroom in the Forest program. Each year all fifth-graders in the county have an opportunity to spend a day in the forest learning about trees, wildlife and pond management, she said.
William Green, ATFA executive director, said the Pike County Chapter ATFA’s Classroom in the Forest is an outstanding program and offers young students an opportunity to experience the outdoors.
“Last year, 4,000 fifth-graders, many who didn’t know the difference between a pine and a crepe myrtle, gained a better understanding of what nature is,” he said.
The Classroom in the Forest program is funded with dollars raised through the “I’d Rather Be in the Woods” tag program. Green encouraged those in attendance to participate in the tag program, which is $50 annually.
Deborah Huggins-Davis gave an overview of the activities of the Pike County Chapter ATFA in 2018-2019.
The activities included the annual tree giveaway, Take a Kid Fishing Day, attendance at the ATFA meetings, a silent auction benefitting forestry education, Junior Ambassadors, representation on state and county committees, membership in the Pike County Chamber of Commerce and participation in numerous Farm-City events and activities.
Outgoing president Cliff Eubanks expressed appreciation to John and Carol Dorrill and Deborah Huggins-Davis for their help, support and encouragement throughout the year and welcomed new chapter president Jeff Knotts and passed the gavel to him.
Knotts expressed appreciation to Eubanks for a job well done and asked for the support of the membership in his role as president.
Al Rotton will be the chapter’s vice president; Bill Weston will serve as secretary and Deborah Huggins-Davis, treasurer.
Pike County ATFA Regional Board Members are: Northwest District, Chris Chandler, Billy Young, Jana Renfroe and Sweetie Mae Siler; Northeast District, Paul Davis, John Henderson, Ron Morgan, Roy Kendrick and Malon Murphy; Southwest District, John Deloney, Jimmy Ramage and Carter Sanders; Southeast District, Don Dickert, Jason Dorrill and James Ketchum.
Board at Large Members are Carol Dorrill, John Dorrill III, Jeremy Lowery, Tammy Powell and Steve Stroud.