Heart Walk to raise ‘funds for life’ Thursday

Published 10:36 pm Tuesday, February 26, 2019

According to American Heart Association research, about 2,300 Americans die of cardiovascular disease each day, that’s an average of 1 death every 38 seconds.

Alarming? Yes, but there’s more.

• Cardiovascular disease, listed as the underlying cause of death, accounts for nearly 836,546 deaths in the United States. That’s about 1 of every 3 deaths in the U.S.

•Cardiovascular diseases claim more lives each year than all forms of cancer and Chronic Lower Respiratory Disease combined.

If those statistics aren’t sobering for Americans, then what?

Jimmy Phillips is a volunteer and strong supporter of the annual Pike County Heart Walk, which is a fundraiser for the American Heart Association.

The AMA is saving lives every day but there are still too many people who die from heart disease, Phillips said.

“The funds raised by the Pike County Heart Walk are used primarily for research into the treatments and cures for heart disease,” Phillips said. “The money we raise here in Pike County is sent to Nashville and only 7.7 percent goes to administrative expenses. The other percentage goes to research and other programs that help reduce the number of deaths from heart disease and stroke and to make life better for those who are living with heart conditions.”

Phillips said those who are living with heart disease and stroke are benefitting from the research that has been done.

“But we have to do our part,” Phillips said. “In 2008, I had a problem with my heart. My left ventricle was packed like cement and there was nothing that could be done. The feeder veins would have to take care of that problem. Then in 2010, I had two strokes and probably a third.

I had to take better care of myself.”

Phillips said the key to taking better care of himself goes back to the fork and knife.

“A lot is determined by what you put on your plate, and exercise,” he said. “We have to do our part to be heart healthy.”

And, those who attend the 2019 Pike County Heart Walk from 5 until 7 p.m. Thursday at the Troy Sportsplex will have opportunities to learn more about ways to prevent heart attacks and strokes, have blood pressure checks and visit with physicians who will answer questions about physical problems and concerns related to heart disease and stroke. Participants will also have the opportunity to make donations to the American Heart Association.

The Pike County community can do something most important Thursday night by supporting the fight against heart disease and stroke, Phillips said.