GIVING TREES: Tree giveaway more successful than ever
Published 11:03 pm Thursday, February 21, 2019
The Pike County Chapter of the Alabama TREASURE Forest Association’s 21st Tree Giveaway Thursday was one of the most successful any of those involved could remember.
Carol Dorrill, chapter immediate past president, said Thursday’s tree giveaway was the most successful in the time that she has been involved.
“At best count, and I’m not sure everyone registered, 175 people came and each one of them took home several trees” Dorrill said. “A good estimate is that around 3,000 trees were available and most all of them were taken.
The trees were donated by the Wildlife Group of Auburn/Tuskegee, a major grower of habitat plants.
Dorrill said usually the trees that are available at the annual tree giveaway are saplings and needed to be potted over the summer to be ready to plant in the fall.
“But this year the trees were big enough that they are ready for planting. Some of them were carried out in five-gallon buckets,” Dorrill said. “Everyone seemed to be excited about the opportunity to get their trees in the ground. And we had a good variety of trees – red oaks, bur oaks, willow oaks, paw-paws, cherry barks, strawberry bushes. Just to name a few. Everyone got the trees they wanted and as many as they wanted.”
Dorrill said the trees will be planted throughout the county and, in time, will add to the beauty of lawns and woodland areas.
“The oaks provide food excellent food for the wildlife,” she said. “There are many benefits to adding trees to the local landscape.”
Dorrill said the tree giveaway was moved from the square in downtown Troy to the lower level of the Colley Senior Complex due to the possibility of inclement weather.
Dorrill expressed appreciation for the use of the Colley Senior Complex.
“The complex was an ideal place for the tree giveaway,” she said. “Having the giveaway inside eliminates the weather threat and it’s easy access and parking is available. I would like to see the tree giveaway at the Colley Senior Complex every year if that would be agreeable.”
Members of the local TREASURE Forest association, the Pike County Master Gardeners and the Farm City committee assisted with the tree giveaway.
Dorrill expressed appreciation to all those who volunteered and those who came in support of the tree giveaway and to Troy Walmart for the donation of the bags for the trees, with a huge thank you to The Wildlife Group.